The coronavirus has a part of our daily lives for several months now. As a result, the coverage of the COVID-19 virus dominates our news channels. We understand that the available information on travelling can be confusing and sometimes scarce. Indeed, there are numerous destinations and innumerable suppliers who constantly have to adapt to local measures. However, you deserve clear and transparent information. Where can you count on working with a travel agency?
- Flexibility: ‘Desperate times call for desperate measures’. We have excellent relationships with our suppliers and can negotiate flexible conditions for you. The goal is and remains: to provide you with a lasting experience. To achieve this, we move heaven and earth.
- Transparent information: You can rest assured that we will always provide you with the most up to date information about security, among other things. We inform ourselves at the local authorities as well as at Foreign Affairs.
- Guarantees: We are a member of the Travel Guarantee Fund. This means that your trip is guaranteed in the event of the tour operator’s bankruptcy.
Covid-19 and travelling go together. It is undeniable that the travel sector has suffered an enormous loss. We at Upgraded are extremely grateful that, together with our suppliers, we were able to provide a solution for all our customers. This comes to the collaboration for years and the faith both parties have.
In the meantime, we are looking forward to working with you on a new (incentive) trip or m+eating! As it resounds throughout the industry: “We will travel again”, perhaps not quite in the same way as before.